Saturday, October 8, 2011

darkmater validates spirit spirit witness god

The whole of creation is the seen fruit
[result]..of the unseen cause..thus flesh egsists
because spirit egsists that egsists because god egsists.

yes you will say..but what proof spirit egsists..[let alone god]
and if god does egsist..why needs he be all good..[and now we get to priority]

lets say of higher reason..god is good
this is because god sustaining spirit..sustains all life
[sustaining to live equally the most vile as the most good to live

[thus revealing god dont judge good nor vile alike]
evil gives us the sure knowing we arnt judged [by god]

ahhh but i hear you dont need god
to which i reply show me how you or science [or chance]..made life
[and the simple truth science cant..hasnt and never will..ok recently it replaxced the god given dna from a living bacteria..with its 'own' dna strand..and got the bacteria to replicate the dna science created..

but recall dna isnt life...[the living bacteria lived
before they exchanged a dna strand]..just the same way it lived on after
because flesh is formed..from the spirit...and reproduces after its own form

evolution is a theory not a fact
we see plenty of little mutations..changes..but the big changes
evolution needs to prove arnt smallchanges...[show for egsample a cold blood warm blood intermediate][or start a new topic]..or make question here

anyhow i chanced upon a validation of spirit
that this validates god cause is clear ro me
here in the link...was quoted a proof

with much further reveal to come
but subject has gone silent

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